Legal services provided by P.J. Richer Law Corp


FAQs About Wills Or Last Testaments

Author: Philippe Richer

Top 6 Questions People Have When I Prepare Wills or Last Testaments

      1. How many executors can I appoint?

There is no limit to the number of executors you appoint. You can appoint just one with an alternate (in case the first one appointed can’t fulfill their duties). Or you can appoint several. It depends on how well everyone gets along. If you have three adult children, you can appoint all three. However, if one of them lives in Toronto, you may only want to appoint the two who live close by for practical reasons. The executors have many responsibilities to fulfill. If one of them is located far away, it could make the process more challenging. It would help if you appointed at least two together or one with an alternate.

     2. What happens if the person I give my assets to dies before I do?

When lawyers prepare wills or last testaments, we always ask that question. Often, the first beneficiary is your spouse. If your spouse predeceases you, then usually everything goes to the children in equal shares. But what happens if one of your children predeceases you? We don’t like thinking about that, but while uncommon, it does occur. There is no right or wrong way to distribute your assets. However, many people wish that their assets stay within their bloodlines, so the children would inherit that child’s portion in equal shares.

But what about the spouse? Some people chose to give the funds to their spouse. However, in theory, that surviving spouse will likely inherit from their parents. So they should already be “looked after”.

      3. If someone is unhappy about how I distribute my assets, can they challenge the will?

The short answer is no. It is your stuff; you get to decide how to distribute it. If you want to give everything you own to the humane society, it’s your choice. There are no provisions for someone else to second guess you. Children and families are not entitled to receive anything by law.

However, if you have capacity issues (for example, if you start suffering from Alzheimer’s), a third party can challenge the validity of the will. If you make a will when you lack the legal capacity to do so, a court will find the will invalid.

If you make a will under duress, then a third party can challenge the validity of the will. We see this when elderly parents fall under the influence of one child. Sometimes that child will pressure their parent to redo their will, leaving everything to that child.

      4. Can the executor assist me when I am alive?

No. The executor’s power to manage your affairs only comes into play when you die. Before your death, if you lack mental capacity, the executor remains powerless. If you are alive and want someone to assist you with your legal affairs or even take over if you lose capacity, you must prepare a Power of Attorney – I discuss the importance of the POA here.

       5. Can I get a copy of my will?

No. We don’t provide copies. There is nothing illegal about having a copy, but our office does not provide copies. We don’t provide copies because executors cannot probate copies of a will. The court requires the original. We often get calls from executors asking if we have a copy of their parent’s will because they can’t find the original. Copies lawyers keep are not legal. They cannot be probated. We must keep copies of documents we prepare to comply with Law Society rules, but they are not legal documents. It is possible to probate a copy, but it is not guaranteed, and it can be very costly as you must appear before a judge)

       6. Where should I store my will then?

You should store your will in a safe, dry place. You can store them in a safety deposit box at the bank, but make sure you have a conversation with your banker about your intentions because your safety deposit box belongs to you. The bank will not allow a third party (i.e. the executor) to open the box without proof the party is legally able to do so. The executor’s proof that they can open the safety deposit box is the will, which cannot be accessed because the bank doesn’t have proof that you are the named executor – a classic catch 22. Every institution has its own rules. So talk to the bank representative.

You can also store it at home with your other important documents. Some people store them in a fireproof box. However, I have had clients advise me that unless you open the box from time to time to allow the air to exchange, condensation can accumulate and destroy the documents inside.

Finally, some law office (like ours) offers their clients the ability to store their will in their office. We have a bank vault we use. The danger with this is someday your lawyer may retire, and it may be difficult to track down the will.


Wills, last testaments, and POA (power of attorney) are important legal documents. While sometimes copies will save you or your estate from something entirely different than what you wanted, the law always prefers originals. Keep your documents safe; ensure your executor(s) know where to find them. It’s important that you do not lose your will. If you do, it’s as though you died without a will.

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This article is presented for informational purposes only. The content does not constitute legal advice or solicitation and does not create a solicitor-client relationship (this means that I am not your lawyer until we both agree that I am). If you are seeking advice on specific matters, please contact one of our lawyers at 204.925.1900. We cannot consider any unsolicited information sent to the author as solicitor-client privileged (this means confidential).

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